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How to establish the quality standard of package material purchasing enterprise
 Jul 28, 2023|View:387

1. Package material enterprise standard construction process

1.1 Know the legal and standard requirements:

First of all, you need to understand the relevant regulations and standard requirements of the cosmetic industry in detail, these include ISO standards, national regulatory requirements (such as the European Union's REACH Regulation), and industry organization guidelines and regulations. These regulations and standards usually cover the requirements of material safety, sustainability, chemical substance restriction, and so on.

1.2.Analyze product requirements:

Work closely with product development and brand team to understand each product's characteristics, usage, target market, and consumer needs. This includes information about the product type (such as skin care products, make-up, perfume, etc.), the environment in which the product is used (such as high temperature, humidity, etc.), and the functional requirements of the product (such as sealing, leak-proof, protective performance, etc.).

1.3 Identification of key quality parameters:

According to product requirements and regulations, identify the key parameters that affect the quality of packaging materials. This may cover material physical properties, chemical composition, sanitary requirements, environmental impacts, recyclability, etc. For example, key parameters may include strength, chemical resistance, heavy metal content, degradability, and so on.

1.4 Establish quality test methods:

Develop test methods and standards for each key quality parameter. These methods may include physical performance testing, chemical analysis, environmental impact assessment, etc. Ensure that test methods are accurate, repeatable, and compliant.

1.5 Setting quality standards:

Develop quality standards for each package product based on regulatory requirements, product requirements, and key quality parameters. These standards should describe the requirements for key parameters in terms of specific values or ranges. For example, the standard can specify the minimum strength of materials and the chemical composition of the maximum content limit.

1.6 Identification of supplier requirements:

Specify requirements for suppliers in quality standards, including material test reports, compliance certificates, related certifications, etc. This helps to ensure that suppliers meet quality standards and have compliance capabilities.

1.7 Implementation and monitoring:

Ensure that all suppliers strictly comply with quality standards during the procurement process, and perform sampling and quality inspection of materials. Establish supplier evaluation system, regularly review supplier's quality performance, and solve quality problems with suppliers.


2. Key points of package material enterprise standard construction

Through process and focus, you can set quality standards for each package product and ensure that these standards are based on the right foundation to ensure product quality and compliance to meet customer and market requirements.

2.1 Compliance with regulations and standards:

Ensure quality standards comply with industry regulations and standards to avoid legal and compliance risks.

2. 2 Accurate understanding of product requirements:

Work closely with product and brand teams to ensure that the requirements of each product are accurately understood to establish relevant quality standards.

2.3. Selection of key quality parameters:

Accurately identify and select the key quality parameters of each product to ensure the validity and feasibility of the quality standard.

2.4. Appropriate testing methods and standards:

Ensure that test methods and standards are accurate, repeatable, and compliant to ensure accurate testing and evaluation of key quality parameters.

2.5. Supplier management and monitoring:

Establish good relationships with suppliers and ensure that suppliers meet quality standards. ESTABLISH SUPPLIER evaluation and monitoring mechanism, regularly review supplier's quality performance, and solve quality problems with the supplier.

2.6 Continuous improvement and innovation:

Continuously Review and assess the effectiveness of quality standards and update and optimize them in the light of market changes and technological advances. Encourage and guide the team to innovate and seek better package solutions and quality standards.


3. Package material enterprise standard development team description

In the development of cosmetic packaging procurement quality product standards, the following departments and personnel may need to participate in order to form a corporate standards-building team, these departments and personnel can work together to form an inter-departmental working group to develop package product quality standards. Team members can provide advice and opinions based on their respective expertise and roles to ensure that the standard-setting process is comprehensive and professional. Communication and collaboration among team members are key to advancing standards through regular meetings, discussions, and information sharing.

Purchasing Department (purchasing manager, purchasing staff) :

Responsible for organizing and coordinating the standard-setting process, understanding the purchasing requirements, and providing specific requirements for the quality of packages.

R & D Department (R & D Manager, technical expert) :

Provide technical requirements for cosmetic packaging, such as selection of packaging materials, safety requirements, filling performance, etc.

Quality Assurance Department (Quality Manager, Quality Controller) :

Responsible for the formulation and implementation of quality standards and inspection procedures, supervision of package quality control, and acceptance.

Production department (production manager, Production Engineer) :

Provide technical advice on package material production process and feasibility to ensure the smooth operation of the production line.

Department of Environment and Sustainable Development (environmental engineer, Sustainability Specialist) :

Pay attention to the environmental performance of packaging materials, and ensure compliance with environmental requirements, such as recycling, degradability, etc.

Regulatory Compliance Department (legal manager, Compliance Officer) :

Understand the relevant laws and regulations of the cosmetic industry and industry standards to ensure that packaging materials comply with the relevant regulations and safety standards.

Marketing team (marketing manager, Product Manager) :

Provide knowledge of market trends and consumer needs to ensure that purchased packaging meets market needs and brand image.

Supply chain management team (supply chain manager, logistics specialist) :

Understand the supplier's capability and reliability, and participate in supplier evaluation and cooperation program


4. How suppliers participate in standard-setting

It is very important to involve the supplier in the development of the quality standard of the package procurement. By working closely with the supplier and participating actively, they will be able to understand the company's expectation of the quality standard, and according to the actual situation to provide technical and professional support. This type of cooperation will help to ensure the implementation of quality standards and provide suppliers with opportunities for development and upgrading.

Communicate and cooperate in advance:

Establish good relationships with suppliers before setting quality standards. Communicate frequently with suppliers and involve them in the quality standard-setting process.

Knowledge of supplier capabilities and experience:

Knowledge of supplier capabilities, experience, and expertise. Through in-depth cooperation with suppliers, you can draw on their expertise and experience to jointly develop quality standards.

Organizing conferences and seminars:

Organize conferences or seminars and invite suppliers to participate in the quality standard-setting process. During the meeting, you can introduce product requirements, discuss key quality parameters and test methods, and listen to suppliers' opinions and suggestions.

Invite vendors to provide technical support:

Encourage suppliers to provide technical support, including product design, material selection, production process, and so on. They can help you develop more accurate and realistic quality standards by providing technical guidance and sample testing.

Conduct supplier training:

To ensure that suppliers are aware of the importance and specific requirements of quality standards, training activities can be organized to introduce quality standard-related information to suppliers and educate them on how to meet these requirements.

6. Development of indicators for evaluating supplier performance:

Supplier performance evaluation indicators, and quality standards as one of the important evaluation factors. This will motivate suppliers to actively participate in the quality standard-setting process and ensure that they continue to provide high-quality package products.

Establish good feedback mechanisms:

Establish feedback mechanisms, communicate with suppliers continuously, and provide feedback. According to the actual situation, timely adjustment and improvement of quality standards to ensure its cooperation with suppliers and continuous improvement of supply quality.

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