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The Exploration of Paper Boxes, Metal Cans and Plastic Bags in the Field of Food Packaging
 Aug 14, 2024|View:120

Food packaging, as a key link between production and consumption, has been constantly innovating and developing. From the initial simple cardboard boxes, metal cans, to today's ever-changing plastic bags, composite materials, etc., food packaging is moving towards a more environmentally friendly, beautiful and practical direction.


Paper packaging:

As a time-honored traditional packaging material, the production process of paper food packaging is also improving. In recent years, through digital printing, flexible gravure printing and other advanced technologies, paper food boxes can present more colorful patterns and colors. At the same time, according to the characteristics of different foods, the carton lining can also increase the functions of oil, moisture, heat insulation and so on, effectively protecting the quality and taste of food.

These innovative applications make paper food packaging occupy an important position in the upstream and downstream industry chains. Pulp manufacturers provide high-quality raw materials, printing companies for printing decoration, and finally achieve the perfect presentation of food packaging

Aluminum canned packaging:

As another classic form of food packaging, metal cans also have a broad market with their unique advantages.

Compared to glass bottles and plastic cans, metal cans are lighter and easier to carry and store. At the same time, aluminum cans as a recyclable metal packaging, while protecting the quality of food, but also contribute to environmental protection.

From upstream metal smelting to downstream can manufacturing, aluminum can packaging has formed a complete industrial chain. Metal suppliers provide high-quality aluminum, canning manufacturers do precision molding and assembly, and consumers are involved in the recycling process.

Innovative Plastic packaging:

The new plastic packaging represented by bio-based plastics and degradable plastics, while protecting the quality of food, also takes into account the needs of environmental protection and fashion.

Bio-based plastics use renewable plant raw materials as raw materials, such as starch, cellulose, etc., less greenhouse gas emissions in the production process, and can also achieve biodegradation during waste treatment, greatly reducing the load on the environment. Degradable plastics use special additives to enable them to be decomposed by microorganisms within a certain period of time, thus avoiding the problem that traditional plastics are difficult to degrade.

In general, all kinds of food packaging is constantly developing in the direction of being more environmentally friendly, beautiful and practical, and food packaging will also bring more surprises and convenience to life in the future.

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R.ONE PACKTECH CO., LTD. Specialized in the manufacturing of several series of products such as cosmetics packaging, makeup packaging, paper box etc. We are convinced that adherence to a customer service-oriented spirit, as always, adhere to the customer is responsible for is responsible for their own!