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The matters to be paid attention to when the package material new product proofing
 Dec 11, 2023|View:170

When the new product development, product creative ideas and packaging scheme design completed, at this time, the package of each category proofing work will start. As the purchasing manager of package, many details need to be controlled in the phase of new package proofing. This article enumerates the following points

1.Determine product requirements:

Understand the characteristics and requirements of new products, including ingredients, methods of use, packaging, etc. . Work closely with the product manager and design team to ensure that the package fits the product positioning and brand image perfectly.

2.Select the right supplier:

Looking for reliable package suppliers, and establish good relations of cooperation with them. Evaluate the supplier's production capacity, quality control, supply chain stability to ensure timely delivery of packages to meet demand.

3.Package Quality and performance:

Ensure that the selected package material meets the quality requirements of the product. Conduct sample quality and testing, including appearance, strength, durability, waterproofing and other performance testing to ensure that the package can meet the functional and safety requirements of the product.

4. Production Processes and cost control:

Discuss production process and feasibility with supplier, understand special requirements and possible problems during production. At the same time, control the cost of packaging materials, and suppliers to negotiate and price comparison, to find a competitive price, and negotiate with them to reach preferential terms.

5. Market feedback on test samples:

Distribute the samples to the marketing team and key users to collect their comments and feedback. Understand their feelings of the package, the use of the convenience of products and other aspects of the evaluation, in order to improve and optimize.

6.Environmental and sustainability considerations:

More and more consumers are concerned about environmental protection and sustainability, including raw materials and mode of production. When choosing packaging materials, consider using recyclable, biodegradable materials, or find environmentally acceptable alternatives to enhance the brand image and meet market demand.

7.Communication and coordination parties:

Keep close communication and coordination with product manager, design team, supplier and production team during package proofing. Ensure smooth docking of all links, timely solution of problems and adjustment plan

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