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Looking for suitable for skin care products package materials, these details to pay attention to
 Jul 21, 2023|View:362

1. Material and safety of packages:

It is very important to select the packaging material that meets the characteristic requirements of skin care products. To ensure that the package is safe and harmless to the product, non-toxic and harmless, and can be compatible with skincare ingredients. Understand the composition of packaging materials and related certification, such as FDA certification, and the European Union Cosmos certification, to ensure that it meets the relevant safety standards.

- consider the material of the package, such as plastics (e.g. polyethylene, polypropylene, PET, etc.), glass, metal, or composite materials. According to the nature and characteristics of the product, choose the most suitable material.


2. Package product stability:

Skin care products usually contain a variety of active ingredients, which may have an impact on packaging materials. Ensure that packaging material does not interact with the components in the product, resulting in a decline in product stability. Choose the packaging material with good chemical resistance and stability.

- the packaging material shall have the ability to protect the stability of the product components and ensure that the active components of the product are not destroyed or rendered ineffective by contact with the packaging material.

- take into account the barrier properties of packages to such factors as sunlight, oxygen, humidity, and temperature in order to avoid deterioration or damage to the product due to the external environment.

- understand the chemical stability of the packaging material to ensure that no adverse reactions such as chemical reactions, corrosion, or color changes will occur with the ingredients in the product.


3. Package Protection Performance:

The packaging material should have good protective performance, and can effectively protect the product from light, oxygen, humidity, and other external factors. For example, choose materials that have good air tightness, UV protection, and moisture resistance. At the same time, the packaging material should have appropriate sealing to prevent product leakage or deterioration.

- consider the sealing properties of packages to ensure effective protection against product leakage, evaporation, or external contamination.

- for products that are prone to oxidation, choose packaging materials with good oxygen barrier properties to reduce the oxidation effect of oxygen on the products.

- for products susceptible to spectral effects, select packages with UV protection properties to protect the stability and quality of the product.


4. Sustainable and environmentally friendly packaging:

More and more consumers are concerned about the environmental friendliness of their products. When choosing packaging materials, consider using sustainable and environmentally friendly materials such as biodegradable, recycled, or recyclable materials. This helps reduce resource consumption and environmental pollution and maps your company's green image.

- consider the sustainability of packaging and select biodegradable or recycled materials to reduce environmental impacts.

- to understand the supplier's production process and environmental measures to ensure that the production of packaging materials is in line with environmental standards and principles of sustainable development.

- considering the recycling capacity of packages and encouraging users to recycle and reuse packages to reduce waste and resource consumption.


5. Package supply chain reliability:

It is very important to select a stable and reliable package supplier in the supply chain. Ensure that suppliers are able to deliver the required packages on time and have the capability to meet future requirements. Evaluate the supplier's key factors such as production capacity, quality control, and delivery capability.

- assess the credibility and qualifications of suppliers to ensure that they have a stable supply capacity.

- take into account the supplier's production capacity, quality control system, and delivery punctuality to ensure that the production and supply of packages meet your needs.

6. Packaging design and plasticity:

Package design and plasticity are critical to the look and feel of the product. Consider the shape, size, and customizability of the package to ensure that it is appropriate for the product's use and brand image. At the same time, the package's ability to easily print and label is also an important factor in order to add the necessary product information and labels.

- take into account the design of the packaging material to ensure that it matches the positioning and brand image of the product.

- consider the plasticity of the packaging in order to meet the requirements of product shape and capacity while maintaining the portability and ease of use of the packaging.

- knowledge of package printing and marking techniques in order to add the necessary product information, labels, or trademarks.


7. Packaging cost-effectiveness and Operability:

Cost-effectiveness and Operability are also considerations for product managers. Choose economical packing materials, while ensuring that it does not affect product quality and performance. Consider the production and processing costs of packaging materials, and ensure that packaging materials are easy to produce, package, and sell.

- consider the cost-effectiveness and Operability of packaging to ensure that it is affordable and applicable to your production and packaging processes.

- taking into account the processing and production costs of packaging materials, including factors such as mold making, printing, and production efficiency, in order to ensure that the production process of packaging materials has a reasonable cost and efficient operation.

- take into account the ease of use and convenience of the packaging material in order to be able to operate and load the product efficiently during the packaging process and to improve production efficiency.

8. Regulatory requirements and compliance:

- ensure packaging meets applicable legal, regulatory, and standard requirements such as packaging and labeling requirements and recyclability standards.

- knowledge of relevant international, domestic, and regional packaging regulations and standards, such as the European Union REACH Regulation, the United States Packaging Labelling and Education Act, etc.

- ensure that the printing and marking of packages comply with the relevant regulations, including the list of ingredients, instructions for use, safety warnings, etc.

9. Supplier cooperation and sample testing:

- establish partnerships with multiple suppliers to compare and compete for better prices, quality, and reliability.

- require suppliers to provide samples of packaging materials for testing and evaluation to ensure that they meet product requirements and expectations.

- conduct sample tests including chemical resistance, air tightness, permeability, and strength of the package to ensure that it meets the requirements and standards of the product.

10. Feedback and improvement:

- maintain communication with suppliers and provide feedback on package quality and performance for improvement and adjustment.

- evaluate supplier performance and cooperation regularly and make adjustments and optimizations as needed.

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