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The difference between glass bottle sanding process and sand blasting process is discussed
 Jun 30, 2023|View:372

1. What are the characteristics of sand blasting technology

Sandblasting is the process of Compressed air abrasive to the surface of a workpiece. It is called sandblasting. Since sand was the only abrasive that could be used in the early days of shot blasting, it was called sandblasting at that time and for a long time afterward.

Sandblasting can make the cleaned surface obtain the required cleanliness and surface to get a certain degree of roughness and improve the adhesion of the coating on the basic surface of the two effects. No matter how good the coating can not be good long-term adhesion to the surface of the workpiece without surface treatment.

The role of surface pretreatment is to clean the surface and generate on the surface the roughness needed to“Lock in” the coating. The coating life can be more than 3.5 times higher than that of the same quality coating on the surface of the workpiece treated by other methods. Another advantage of sandblasting (shot blasting) is that the Surface roughness can be determined in advance and easily achieved during the cleaning process.


2. About frosting

Matte is the original surface of the smooth objects that become not smooth, so that light shines on the surface of a diffuse reflection-like process. In the chemical frosting treatment, the glass is mechanically ground or manually ground with abrasives such as carborundum, silica sand, and pomegranate powder to form a uniform rough surface, the product can also be made into frosted glass by processing the surface of the glass with a hydrofluoric acid solution. The Scrub in cosmetology uses a scrub way to remove Cutin, although the effect is good, but can not be commonly used, and should be based on the own skin conditions. Too much exfoliation will make the skin of the new cells in the form of self-protective film has not been“Ground” to death, outside bacteria and other pathogens will take advantage of the situation, making delicate skin more vulnerable to ultraviolet and other foreign invasion.


3. The difference between glass frosting and sandblasting

Both sanding and sandblasting are used to hazy the surface of the glass, which makes the light scatter evenly after passing through the lampshade. The following describes the production methods of the two processes and how to identify them.

3.1. Scrub process

Frosting is when glass is immersed in a prepared acidic liquid (or coated with a paste containing acid) and the surface of the glass is etched by a strong acid. At the same time, the ammonia fluoride in a strong acid solution causes the glass surface to form crystals. So if the frosting process is done well, the frosted glass surface is exceptionally smooth, and the effect is hazy due to the scattering of crystals. If the surface is rough, then the acid on the erosion of the glass is more serious, belonging to the scrub master's immature performance. Or parts of the glass that still have no crystals (commonly known as“No frosting” or“Speckled glass”) are also poorly handled by the master craftsman. The technology is difficult. The process is characterized by the appearance of sparkling crystals on the surface of the glass, which are formed under critical conditions, mainly because the ammonia fluoride is running out. In order to achieve this state, many manufacturers have made many attempts to study, but have not been able to overcome the difficulty.

3.2. Sandblasting technology

The process is very common, it is a high-speed spray gun sand hits the glass surface, so that the glass forms a subtle concave and convex surface, so that the effect of light scattering so that the formation of light transmission hazy feeling. The sandblasting process of the glass surface feels rough because the glass surface was damaged, so it seems that the original raw materials of the glass the light-sensitive like white glass. The workmanship is mediocre.

The cost of frosted glass is higher than that of frosted glass, and the effect mainly lies in the demand of users. Some of the unique glass is not suitable for frosting. From the point of view of nobility, it should be frosted. The sandblasting process can be completed in general factories, but it is not easy to really do a good job.


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