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Why Can Only PP Material Directly Contact Cosmetic Raw Materials?
 Aug 01, 2024|View:167

The choice of cosmetic packaging materials is crucial to the safety and quality stability of the products. Among the many synthetic materials, PP (polypropylene) is widely used in cosmetic packaging due to its unique properties:


1. Excellent chemical stability

Cosmetic products often contain acidic, alkaline, and fatty components, which can react with the packaging materials and affect the product's performance. However, PP material is resistant to the solvent effects of these chemical components due to its molecular structure, ensuring the safety and stability of cosmetic products.

2. Non-toxic and odorless

Cosmetic products need to be in direct contact with the human body, and the safety of the packaging materials is of paramount importance. PP is a non-toxic and odorless synthetic material, and it will not contaminate or affect the ingredients and performance of the cosmetic products.

3. Strong chemical resistance

During transportation, cosmetic products may be subjected to various degrees of compression and impact, which can cause solvent effects. PP material has excellent chemical resistance, effectively preventing permeation and aging, ensuring the integrity of the packaging, and providing good protection.

4. Easy processability

PP material can be processed into various shapes to meet the diverse packaging requirements of cosmetic products. Additionally, PP material has good low-temperature resistance, allowing it to adapt to the various temperature conditions encountered during cosmetic production, transportation, and storage.

5.Temperature resistance

PP material can maintain stable physical properties within a certain temperature range, without deformation or breakage due to changes in the temperature of the cosmetic products.

6.Low allergenicity

PP material is skin-friendly and has a low risk of causing allergic reactions, making it suitable for cosmetic packaging that comes into direct contact with the skin, with a high level of material safety.

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R.ONE PACKTECH CO., LTD. Specialized in the manufacturing of several series of products such as cosmetics packaging, makeup packaging, paper box etc. We are convinced that adherence to a customer service-oriented spirit, as always, adhere to the customer is responsible for is responsible for their own!